Answering Several of Your Invisalign Questions

November 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — blueback @ 2:55 am

Q & A wooden blocksIf you’re ready to improve your oral health and confidence, clear aligners can fix many bite and alignment problems. 1 in 5 orthodontic patients is over the age of 18, thanks to the variety of treatments available, like Invisalign. It’s a discreet and comfortable alternative to brackets and wires. Although you’ve heard about the benefits of clear aligners, it’s normal to have a few questions. Here are the answers you need to help determine if Invisalign is right for you.

What Does Invisalign Look Like?

Invisalign differs from metal braces because no brackets or wires are needed. Instead, clear aligners are worn over your teeth. Each aligner in the series applies pressure to specific areas to move your teeth gradually. The aligners are made of clear plastic and are virtually undetectable while wearing them. 

Does Invisalign Hurt?

Patients report that Invisalign is more comfortable than metal braces because there’s no irritation to the insides of your lips or cheeks. No orthodontic system is completely pain-free, but that’s a sign your treatment is working. Your mouth may be tender after receiving Invisalign or switching to a new set of aligners, but it’s only temporary. You can manage it with an OTC pain reliever and eating soft foods.

Is There Anything I Can’t Eat with Invisalign?

There are no dietary restrictions because Invisalign is removable. However, never wear your aligners when eating or drinking anything except water.

How Long Will I Need to Wear Clear Aligners?

You must wear your aligners for at least 22 hours per day. You’ll switch to the next set of aligners every 1-2 weeks, as instructed by your dentist. The average treatment takes about 12 months, but many factors affect the duration, like the complexity of your case.

What Happens When I Finish My Treatment?

After you finish your series of aligners, you’ll need retainers to maintain your results. They’ll keep your teeth in their new positions to allow your tissues and bones to adapt to the changes. 

How Much Does Invisalign Cost?

There’s no flat fee for Invisalign because every situation differs, like the number of aligners required. Your dental insurance may pay some of the expenses after meeting your deductible. Besides using your insurance, you can pay any out-of-pocket costs using a monthly payment plan through a third-party financing company, like CareCredit.

Your dentist will explain the entire process during your consultation. They’ll provide you with the information you need to make the best decision for your smile.

About Dr. Wendy Austin

Dr. Austin achieved her dental degree from the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine and has regularly continued her training in many specialties, like general dentistry and cosmetic services. She is certified in Invisalign and a member of many professional organizations, including the American Dental Association. Request an appointment through her website or call (860) 532-1900.

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